Rock your world. Ask questions.
The most important questions are often the ones you didn’t know to ask.
Ten years ago, Dede Bonner learned this fact the hard way during the very dark moments in the emergency room after her mother’s heart attack. Dede felt totally helpless because she just didn’t know what to ask the doctors. Afterwards, Dede vowed to learn how to ask better questions so her mother would get the best follow-up medical care.
This experience sparked Dede’s interest in Best Questions and questioning skills. In a series of interviews with some of the world’s top question askers, including legendary White House reporter Helen Thomas, professional authors, interviewers, and radio and television personalities, Dede learned their secret. Each question guru believes, “You are only as good as the questions you ask.”
In 2003, Dede started teaching questioning skills as part of her graduate-level business classes in Washington, D.C., and Perth, Australia. She developed the concept of “The 10 Best Questions” to help her students experience questioning and research skills and team dynamics.
Dede’s graduate students have interviewed thousands of experts on hundreds of topics as diverse as investing in stocks, buying a house, choosing best friends and lovers, and the 10 Best Questions® for great sex.
The publisher Simon & Schuster learned about Dede’s work through one of her former students and asked her to write books to help empower patients facing life-threatening or chronic illnesses. More
Our team at 10 Best Questions, LLC has helped hundreds of organizations and CEOs develop their own Best Questions for saving money, launching new products, facing tough layoff decisions, planning business goals, and winning back angry customers.
We’ve also coached thousands of individuals on personal relationships, choices, and decisions based on asking the 10 Best Questions®. More
Our leadership development and strategic planning, consulting services, coaching services, and workshops and presentations are all based on our award-winning, systematic, dynamic, decision tools of the 10 Best Questions® model.
You can’t get the right answers until you ask the right questions. Let us show you how asking the Best Questions® can rock your world.